Thursday, March 1, 2012

Things I thought I'd never have to say...

Having a three-year old and a one-year old lately has been interesting.  I am forever saying things to them (mostly Ben these days) that I never thought I would have to say.  For example:

- don't put the hamburger on Cooper's head
- can you at least get a little pee IN the potty?!
- we need to we our underwear UNDER our pants
- please don't put the cow in the dog bowl
- please don't rub your hand on the shower wall and then lick it (seriously said this last night TWICE!!!)

Then there are the "mommyisms" that I remember my mom saying to me that I SWORE I would not use with my kids...wrong again!

- do you need something to cry about?
- because I'm the mom!
- don't talk back (not sure a three-year old really understand this but we're working on it)
- go to your room
- don't look at me like that! (see picture below)
-1, 2...(Mom, what is supposed to happen after I get to three by the way?!)

But as much as I hear myself repeating some of these phrases (usually more than I'd like) I do hear myself telling my boys how much I love them ALL THE TIME!  I grew up in a home where you tell each other how you feel and I want my boys to always know how much they are loved.  My mom says that when I was little I would say "I love you Mommy" all the time, even in public and someone once asked "why does she say that?"  And my mom told her that it was because I loved her.  Ben is really good at randomly telling Cooper and myself that he loves us throughout the day... and I know it's because he does!

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