Wednesday, January 30, 2013

His own style

So my oldest has never really cared what he wears each day.  Rare is the occassion that he has opinion about which pants to put with a certain shirt and I love sending him upstairs to get dressed himself because he inevitably grabs the shirt and pair of pants that is at the top of the drawer and puts it on!

Cooper, however, is turning out to be quite the fashionista (not sure if that is a gender-neutral term but it will have to do).  His favorite accessory these days is his rain boots which have also doubled as snow boots this winter!  He wants to wear them ALL THE TIME!!! But only if he sees them.  I keep moving them from place to (more secretive) place and if it spots them, he must put them on.

Luckily they go well with his puppy dog pajamas while playing in the kitchen :)

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