Monday, November 19, 2012

To Photograph or Not?

Lately I've been thinking about trying some amature photography.  I have a friend who sent me some information about an online class that she recently took and it has me intrigued. I have the eye for it or not?  I absolutely LOVE taking pictures of my boys and fiddling with them until I get exactly what I want. The down side is that it usually takes me a good hour and 150 clicks of the camera until I find 3 or 4 that I can actually use. Now, part of this could just be my boys.  They are so tired of their mom always taking pictures that they don't even try and look nice for the camera anymore!

Exhibit A:
 Ben has a mean stink-eye.  And he tends to pull it out towards the end of picture taking - this time was no exception!  I took the boys down to Sandy Hollow campground which is within walking distance of our house.  It was an usually nice November afternoon last week so I took full advantage of the warmer temperature and sunny skies. 
 Our "photography session" lasted about an hour and it was mostly just walking around, looking for good photo opportunities!  And just when I thought I had one, Ben would have his tongue hanging out (above) or a misplaced arm would be across a brother's face (below).
But then . . . the stars would align, and I would click at the exact right time and catch something like this one; and it would make the whole afternoon worth it!
And all I've done so far with these amature pictures is change the lighting and color on a few of them. Just think if I really knew what I was doing?!  Something to think about, I know I sure have!

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