Monday, April 23, 2012

Numbers to live by

Here are some numbers this morning: (no pictures - sorry Grandmas and Grandpas!!!)

2 - The number of hours earlier than usual that Cooper woke up :(
45 - Minutes it took me to simply clean the bathroom toilet because of my two "helpers" following me EVERYWHERE!!!
11am - The time it was when I finally got the boys dressed (still waiting for a shower myself)
3 - Number of sips I've actually been able to take of my coffee
1,000 (maybe exaggerating a little) - Times I've wiped Cooper and Ben's noses because the allergies/teething/crying are not being kind to my boys or their momma!
15 - Minutes left until lunch when Matt may be home so I can get a little break from this CHAOS!!!

Zero - The number of times I have regretted being home with my boys today!  Although it's been a hectic, long, difficult morning, I wouldn't trade this for anything.  When Matt and I decided to start our family, we knew this would be the right choice for us an although there have been times when it hasn't seemed to be the right fit, God keeps reminding me that I am raising His children while they are here on earth and I'm trying my hardest not to let Him down.

Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being a working mom.  I've even applied for jobs in the last few years thinking I would like to give it a try.  But every time I think about leaving my boys, I just can't bring myself to face the reality of not being with them every day like I have since they were born.  This stay-at-home mom is staying right where she is. . . HOME!

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