Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Easter and getting older...

Being a parent is sometimes hard.  Like when you have to tell you crying two-year old that his older brother gets ice cream but he does not because he did not eat enough supper.  Or when you have to make the decision to stay home instead of going to a much-needed playdate because of a runny nose and a little one who really just needs to cuddle with Mommy.
And while there are many more things that make this journey of parenthood a tough one, there is nothing more important than knowing you are molding and shaping your child to be someone who makes you proud. 
 A few weeks ago it was Easter and while the past years it has been mostly about finding eggs at the egg hunt, this year I really feel like Ben started to understand the story of Jesus dying on the cross for us and how this means our sins were forgiven.  What a joy to see his young mind think about how God has forgiven us for everything...before we even do it!  It has definitely made us think twice about forgiving our little brother for silly things like taking a car out of our hands or running into us with a tricycle!  What a blessing in our lives that we have the opportunity to hear the story of Jesus in the small town where our church is and then have a safe place to celebrate this day.
Now enjoy some pictures from the weekend:
Such handsome boys

The race begins

Found a well-hidden egg

A much higher view to find some eggs!

Good form for the football throw

A bit different form than his brother's

Grandma Shu helping Cooper dye eggs

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