I know our family back in Kansas is getting quite tired of all the white stuff coming down but we were thankful for snow last week here after a pretty mild winter. And it was even warm enough to go out and play in it...not usually the case with our single-digit or below-zero temperatures!
So we took the 15 minutes that it takes to get bundled up and headed out to play. And they LOVED it! Ben had the most fun now that he's big enough to just run around and now fall down every few steps and Cooper was okay as long as he didn't have to walk too far.
We stayed out for a good 45 minutes before anyone got too cold. Cooper's favorite activity was being pulled around in the disc sled and we have the perfect little "hill" in the front yard for sledding down.
After our fun in the snow, we headed inside to get warm again! I worked on lunch - grilled cheese and tomato soup (a favorite from when I was little) and the boys worked on building a fort. After lunch they chose a movie to watch together and decided I was "too big" to join them. That was just fine with this me - I caught up on some reading!
Looking forward to many more snowy days with these boys!