I never thought I would enjoy being the mom of two boys SO MUCH! The second time around has been quite a bit easier because I know what to expect - I know how the plumbing works, I know that we can't go anywhere without a car in our hands and I know that wrestling on the floor is just part of our daily routine. But nothing could prepare me for how much love there is between these two and I even get a bit teary-eyed every now and then when Cooper looks at Ben with such adoration in his eyes, or when Ben unexpectedly comes and give Coop a hug and kiss, just because!

They are almost ALWAYS on the floor playing something, usually cars, and although there are times when sharing is not quite a priority, they are getting better. Not sure how long they will be the best of friends, but I am hoping that it will last through the school years and into adulthood. But I also know that my brother and I were not close growing up...in fact some might say we didn't even really like each other. It might be the five year age difference, or the fact that he is a
nerd boy and I am
cool a girl. Either way, we finally started getting along and even realizing we might miss each other the day my family moved me into my dorm room at KState! Since that day, we have grown closer over the years and I am now happy to say that he is probably one of my best friends. (okay enough mushy stuff!)
I know that "boys will be boys", I'm just so blessed that my two kids get to be boys together!